Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 5, 2016

It's been a great week! General Conference is definitely the Lord's Conference. We were able to invite lots of people! Unfortunately, there was a Coldplay concert here in Santiago the same weekend and only and two of them found time for conference. But hey, two of them went! I especially loved the first and last talks, President Eyring and Elder Holland. It's such a blessing to know that we have a living prophet! I got to thinking, it's crazy to think that God's prophet on the earth stood up to speak and the majority of the people here had no idea. That's why we're here, I guess! To tell the world! 

We were also able to clean out the Area Book last week and contact lots of people that have recieved the lessons a while ago and some of them showed interest in recieving us again!

Junior, the man that stopped us on the street a week ago, went to church and read a lot of the Book of Mormon. We asked him if he had been able to read and he said "Yes." We asked him what he was able to read and he responded by telling us the whole story with every detail from the crossing of the sea and the language of the Egyptians, to how he imagined the sword of Laban, to Sariah's murmuring and Nephi's faith! First time in my whole mission that an investigator has read and remembered so much of the Book of Mormon after just one visit. We were with a sister from the ward and all three of us actually just started laughing as we listened to him because we couldn't believe how he remembered every detail. 

So we have a neighbor in our apartment building that REALLY wants to use our storage closet that's in the basement of the apartment building to store her Christmas tree. We've explained to her about three times that we have no idea even which closet number is ours nor how to open it. She wasn't getting anywhere with us, so she called the owner of our apartment and asked permission. Anyways, they gave her permission and we had to go down and try to open the closet with her to put her tree in there. We tried all the keys and at one point one of them got stuck. The lady all the sudden starts moving her wrists and saying a spell... like casting a magic spell on the lock so that the key would come out. haha... oh man and at that point we realized that we were with this crazy lady in the basement of our apartment and she was saying a spell on the doorhandle of our storage closet...  haha

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